How to avoid stress through simple ways???

Life can be just too much sometimes, and you asked me for a solution. Instead, I’m offering 14, one for each day of my experiment. So, I did my research from the internet and my life because turns out, were not all that different, (sorry to burst your bubble if you thought you were entirely … Continue reading How to avoid stress through simple ways???

Why am I doing this?

Helping people isn't my thing, but I've come to realize that i want to help those who help me. To me there is nothing worse than routine because it makes life boring and predictable, but that's just my perception. To make it interesting or dare I say more challenging I've decided to let my routine in your hands by experimenting with things that you want to try but don't want to lose time getting disappointed. Instead I'll dedicate two weeks of my life  and give you the most honest review possible based on my experience. My life never gets boring and you get a truthful advise! Its a win-win, right!