How to avoid stress through simple ways???

Life can be just too much sometimes, and you asked me for a solution. Instead, I’m offering 14, one for each day of my experiment. So, I did my research from the internet and my life because turns out, were not all that different, (sorry to burst your bubble if you thought you were entirely original and unique) and made a list of activities I was going to try. By the end of the two weeks, I hoped to be so stress-free that I’d be flying through clouds without the need of a joint. I’ll also rate them with stars of how much it worked.

1. Get drunk/Smoke a cigarette.


As much as you can judge, getting drunk sometimes it’s actually healthy, and pretty funny! So, call a couple of friends and decide to get drunk together, cause getting drunk alone is a sad movie! As for cigarettes, I remember back when I first tried one,… how even the muscles of my head relaxed, it was probably the best feeling until I started coughing like crazy. Smoking one occasionally isn’t that harmful, so stop being prudish and live a little. Something like Carrie Bradshaw from TV series, “Sex and the City “, having fun with a limit. Remember as soon as their effect is done, you will go back to normal, so be careful of making yourself depended on the same solution always.

2. Take a luxurious bath.


A bath is luxurious enough if you have warm water, so you don’t have to buy bath bombs to make it so but if that makes you happy, then go ahead and make it bougie.

3. Lie on your Bedroom Floor


I swear floors are so underrated. Whenever I’m stressed the most, I just close my bedroom door and lay on the floor quietly or with some music and just stare the ceiling because it is always so clean and white and it gives me a sense of peace. I don’t know why not use the bed, I just feel more grounded if I’m closer to the ground, if that makes sense. If you want to try it choose whatever floor you want and talk to yourself why are you feeling this way or even better don’t think of it, think of anything as random as it can be? It’s your thoughts.
4. Talk to Old People


Your Grandma is the best because it’s the only person with a soft spot for you and unlike your mom, she never yells at you right! Well, most of the elders are like that because their whole life they have watching their kids make mistakes and yelling at them, so they know judging you won’t stop you going through the same and they listen and almost always give good counsel, it doesn’t matter if you’re related to them or not. I promise you: they don’t judge, they are chatty, they will make you pour out everything.

5. Talk to the person you can be blunt with…


While on the topic of talking, you should definitely have a conversation about what’s going on with this person because you can truly express yourself without restraint. Don’t get confused, this person doesn’t have to be your best friend necessarily, it can be a stranger from the coffee shop for all your care. As long as it brings out your inner Phoebe…

6. Listen to music (Dance a couple songs while you’re at it)

This one is foolproof. I don’t have to explain myself.

7. Scribble Something

fear help GIF⭐⭐⭐☆☆
If you don’t know how to draw, that’s not a problem. The messier the scribble the more you will let out the anger and that frustration that has been building up. Destroy some paper for the sake of your spirits.

one of us judging you GIF by RJFilmSchool

8. Have a tour for your soul. (Personal Medicine)

Your own city is the best place to explore. What I often used to do in the summer was that it went out to any place with a lot of people, a park or a bar and sit there by myself and watch as people went by. I judged them how they dressed or built a life story  and create different situations for them. For example, if I saw a young adult with a child, I would notice how she was dressed and say: This girl got pregnant and her parents abandoned her because she wouldn’t marry the guy. Now she is raising a child on her own and having money difficulties. Poor thing, a true heroine I say.

Now if you haven’t noticed that’s rude and selfish of me, but it’s fun and it gets the mind of your own problems. Since nobody reads your thoughts, the least you can do is let your imagination run free!

                                                      9. Looking through photo albums.

Ah yeah, all laughter and fun, remembering times when things were easier. It didn’t work for me though! It made me an emotional wreck all the while cringing at myself and style I used to have back then. Not my definition of relaxing time, but if letting out feelings it’s your thing …

10. Draw a mandala.


Don’t even start if you don’t have the patience, it annoyed the hell out of me on                                                                                       the first 10 minutes.

11. Watch some cartoons.

⭐⭐⭐☆☆Mental Care
They even help you go to sleep if you’re having problems with it!



                                                             12. Call a long-time lost friend.


This made me feel better and it wakes a sense of nostalgia. It is just something you feel in your chest that I can’t explain but made me smile. Strongly recommend its medicine to a soul!

13. Swim.


A Swedish study published in the International Journal of Stress Management found that floating in water triggers the body’s relaxation response, helping lower stress-hormone levels. And I knew this one was going to work because floating in the water always makes me less tense and depressed. I guess that’s why we like going to the beaches during our holidays!!

14. Do what you feel comfortable doing!!!
This is way too general, but what I mean is that we should do what we enjoy doing. So, try to make an evaluation of things, how much you really need everything to be perfect, avoid things that are unnecessary and stressful and do what you like however strange it is… If you feel like exercising makes you feel better, do that… not something I’d do, but the point is doing what pleases you is what is going help you!

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